DEADLOCK _ TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of lock in distributed env.
互联网In particular, Lock - in thermography is more suitable to detect composite material structure.
特别地, 锁相热成像更适合用来检测复合材料结构.
互联网It contains a fireproof lining to extinguish cigarettes and lock in odour.
——期刊摘选Safety Lock in Windows & doors.
窗户 和 门都有装安全措施.
互联网Strategetic pricing, establishing standard alliances, strike , product preannouncement and consumer lock - in are used by enterprises frequently.
因此,策略性定价 、 建立标准联盟 、 抢先进入市场 、 产品预告和锁定用户等都成为企业的常用竞争策略.
互联网In recent years, the lock - in thermography technology has been increasingly used in NDT for surface defects.
近几年, 锁相热成像技术已经越来越多地用于近表面缺陷无损检测.
互联网In a volatile market, it really helps to be able to lock in prices.
在动荡的市场中, 能够锁定价格是非常有帮助的.
互联网She is recommending shippers lock in capacity now with guarantees before space becomes scarce.
互联网First, the Copenhagen Agreement should capture and lock in the and allow for immediate action.
首先, 哥本哈根的会议成果应该在保留现有基础的条件上,允许进一步行动的讨论.
互联网Take her away to the red - room and lock in there.
互联网Furthermore as part of this increased control, the risks associated with vendor lock - in are diminished.
互联网In this paper, the calibration method for lock in amplifier is described.
互联网Panthenol, fatty alcohols, and nut oils. These common additives moisturize and lock in hydration.
泛酰醇, 脂肪醇和坚果油. 这些常见的添加剂能增加并锁住水分.
互联网This works well to lock in profits.
互联网Chewie , lock in the auxiliary power.
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